Create a Linear Issue

Create a Linear issue step

Create a Linear issue step

Our Linear integration allows the creation of Linear issues directly from FireHydrant. This Runbook step is for creating FireHydrant incident tickets as Linear issues. For creating Follow-ups, visit Managing Follow-Ups.



Currently, FireHydrant only allows one top-level Linear issue per FireHydrant incident.


You must have the Linear integration and at least one project/Team configured to create issues.

Adding the step

  1. To add the step, edit a Runbook or create a new one, click "+ Add step," and search for Linear.

    Searching for Linear from the list of available steps

    Searching for Linear from the list of available steps

  2. On the step configuration page, you'll fill in the fields for this step in your Runbook:

    1. Name: A name for this step. This is how it will appear on the executed Runbook steps list during an incident.
    2. Linear Team: The Linear Team you'd like to create the incident ticket/issue in. If you don't see any options here, make sure you've gone through steps to configure a Linear Team/project on the installation page.
    3. Ticket Summary: The name of the ticket**
    4. Ticket Description: A longer description for the ticket**
    5. Assign Ticket to a Role: You can optionally assign this issue in Linear to whoever is assigned to a specific Incident role in FireHydrant. We attempt to match users by using email addresses, so ensure the user's email address in Linear matches their address in FireHydrant.

**These two fields support Template Variables, which allows you to use incident data/parameters dynamically at runtime (for example, the incident's name).