Retro Collaboration
FireHydrant is implementing a new Retrospective experience. Please see the new docs:
Most of the fields in FireHydrant's Retrospectives, as well as any Starred Events during the incident, allow for comments and reactions from users. This helps with facilitating open communication about any specific values or items and encouraging discussion asynchronously.
Accessing Comments
For any field where comments are available, click the “Comments” button below the field. If comments have been added to that field already, you will see a count of the existing comments.

Accessing comments on
Managing Comments
For any field or timeline item where you can add a comment, you will find an input field at the bottom of each commenting section where you can enter a new comment. The commenting input supports markdown, so you can add styling, links, block quotes and more to your comments.
FireHydrant supports GitHub-flavored Markdown.
Editing and Deleting
For comments that you have added to a thread, you are able to edit the content of that comment or remove it altogether.
Simply click the ellipses next to the comment to show a contextual menu with available actions.
Comments and Exporting Retro PDFs
Because comments are largely internal and review-oriented, they are not included in any exports of Retrospectives, including PDF, Google Docs, or Confluence.
Updated 24 days ago