Exporting Data

FireHydrant has multiple ways to export data from its platform.


FireHydrant approaches all development API-first. For the vast majority of functions and capabilities in the FireHydrant platform, a public-facing API endpoint is available for customers to programmatically access.

To access the API, visit the API documentation here. There will be example API calls on the site for each endpoint.



**Download CSV** option for the MTTx table

Download CSV option for the MTTx table

Individual graphs and tables within the Analytics pages provide a button to Download CSV. This allows users to filter the data on the pages at the top and then export tables according to the visuals they're looking for.


The Incidents page with a couple filters

The Incidents page with a couple filters

The Incidents page allows filtering the list of incidents and exporting that list to CSV file. Clicking "Export to CSV" will trigger an asynchronous background job to generate the data. Once finished, you will receive an email with a link to access the generated CSV.

The list of columns that will be included on the Incidents page export are as follows:

Field NameDescriptionDocs Link
numberFireHydrant-assigned number. Counts incrementally up from 1 from the start of the organization's incident history on FireHydrant. This number is not editable.N/A
environmentsList of comma-delimited Environments impacted on the incidentIntro to Service Catalog
functionalitiesList of comma-delimited Functionalities impacted on the incidentIntro to Service Catalog
servicesList of comma-delimited Services impacted on the incidentIntro to Service Catalog
nameName of the incidentN/A
severityThe severity of the incidentSeverities and Priorities
priorityThe priority of the incidentSeverities and Priorities
slackThe name of the Slack channel, if one was created for the incidentCreate or rename Incident Slack channel
ticketsComma-delimited list of follow-ups created in the incident, listed via their ticket codes (e.g., ABC-123)Managing Follow-Ups
active_durationTotal duration of the incident listed in PT##S format where the number represents the total durationIncident Milestones
The exact timestamps of when the incident reached each milestoneIncident Milestones
opened_atThe timestamp of when the incident was openedN/A
started_byThe person who create the incident in the format of Name (email)Starting Incidents
customer_impact_summaryThe customer impact statementThe Command Center
assigned_teamsComma-delimited list of teams that were assigned to the incident if anyTeam Management
tagsComma-delimited list of tags on the incident if they existIncident Tags
(any custom fields)Any custom fields defined by your organizationIncident Custom Fields


Users page with filters expanded

Users page with filters expanded

The Users page on FireHydrant shows a complete directory of all users in your organization. You can also filter the list of users according to what you're looking for before exporting everything to CSV.

Downloading the CSV will generate the CSV in the browser and open a download modal for you to choose a location to save the file. The downloaded CSV will include:

idThe UUID assigned by FireHydrant to the user
nameUser's full name
emailUser's email address
roleThe access role the user has
enabledWhether the user is active ("TRUE") or disabled ("FALSE")
slack_connectedWhether the user's FireHydrant account is linked with their Slack account
alert_notification_methodsWhich alerting methods the user has configured for Signals alerting. Values available are: email, slack, sms, voice, whatsapp, and push.
assigned_teamsComma-separated list of team slugs for which the user is a member of.