PagerDuty Event Source
Configuring PagerDuty Webhook
In FireHydrant, navigate to the Signals Sources page (Signals > Sources). Here, you’ll find a webhook URL that you will use when creating a webhook in PagerDuty.
In PagerDuty, navigate to Integrations > Generic Webhooks (V3). Click the "New Webhook" button to create a new webhook.
Add the URL from step 1 to your webhook.
Select the events that you want to trigger Signals in FireHydrant.
Click “Add Webhook” to save your webhook.
You can learn more about PagerDuty webhooks by reading their Webhooks documentation.
Testing your PagerDuty Webhook
- After you have saved your webhook, click into the webhook (either the title of the Manage option). At the bottom of the page, click "Send Test Event."
- Confirm that FireHydrant received your webhook by visiting Alerting > Webhook Logs in the web app. You should see a new event created. You can open the drawer to see the full payload from PagerDuty.
Updated 3 months ago