Emoji Actions (AKA: Quick Declare)

React to a message in Slack to quickly get started on a new incident in FireHydrant

FireHydrant's Slack integration lets you quickly declare incidents when an emoji you assign is used in a message reaction. For example, if you'd like the 🧨 emoji to quickly declare an incident for a customer-facing outage, you can configure this in your Slack settings in FireHydrant.



Only owners can modify Emoji Actions on a Slack configuration

  1. Navigate to your Slack integration settings by going to Organization Settings > Integrations. Search for Slack and click the pencil icon to edit it.
  2. Next, click "Emoji Preferences" tab.
Configuring emoji preferences for different incident types

Configuring emoji preferences for different incident types

  1. Here, you can add a row (or several!) with the emojis you'd like to trigger a quick incident declaration. If you like, you can optionally assign an incident type that will be used when declaring the incident from Slack.

When a user reacts to a message with the assigned emoji (IE: 🧨) – FireHydrant will quickly reply to the message with a button allowing the user to open a new incident quickly!