Data Export (deprecated)


Deprecation Notice

This feature is deprecated and scheduled for eventual removal. We encourage users who need to export data to use FireHydrant's API, built-in CSV exports in the web interface, and Webhooks.

FireHydrant offers data export capabilities alongside built-in metrics for your incident data. In addition to exporting data from specific pages and charts, there is a dedicated Data Export subpage within Analytics where you can configure filters and batch export data to CSV.

Once generated, links to the generated CSV files will be emailed directly to you and available for seven days before expiring and requiring a re-export.



Like other FireHydrant Analytics, the data export omits all GAMEDAY and MAINTENANCE severity incidents.


The Analytics > Data Export page

The Analytics > Data Export page

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Data Export. On this page, you will have a few fields you can configure:
    1. Select a report - Choose from various summary reports or chart data exports from the drop-down menu.
    2. Select a date range - Select the range of dates from which you'd like data. Keep in mind the date range currently defaults to UTC timestamps.
    3. Configure filters (optional) - In the same section as the data range picker, you can optionally select filters to further pare down data.
  2. Generate a Preview (optional) - You can generate a preview of the first 20 rows of export data to confirm you're getting the right information desired.
  3. Export CSV - Once you've confirmed your data, you can export the CSV. This process happens asynchronously in the background, so you are free to navigate away from this page and resume other activities. Once the file is ready, you'll be notified via email and provided a direct link to your file. If there were any errors in running your report, you will be notified with either an in-app message or email, depending on what went wrong.

If you’re still looking for a way to automate this, look at the CSV Data Export

Detailed Data Export Explanations

Service Summary

How are all of your services performing? Key indicators, such as incident count and mean time metrics, give your business insight into your organization's service performance and can be a meaningful report for technical and product leads.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Namen/astringService name as entered into service catalog by the user
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date selected as query parameter
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date selected as query parameter
Number of IncidentsIncident countintCount of new incidents created for the service during the specified date range
Total Incident DurationsecondsintTotal duration of incident measured with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp; this will be blank if no incidents have been created during the date range
MTTDsecondsintMean time to Detected metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and detected milestone timestamp
MTTAsecondsintMean time to Acknowledged metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and acknowledged milestone timestamp
MTTMsecondsintMean time to Mitigated metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and mitigated milestone timestamp
MTTRsecondsintMean time to Resolved metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp

Functionality Summary

How are all of your functionalities performing? Key indicators, such as incident count and mean time metrics, give your business insight into your organization's functionalities performance and can be a meaningful report for technical and product leads.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Namen/astringFunctionality name as entered into service catalog by the user
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date selected as query parameter
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date selected as query parameter
Number of IncidentsIncident countintCount of new incidents created for the functionality during the specified date range
Total Incident DurationsecondsintTotal duration of incident measured with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp; this will be blank if no incidents have been created during the date range
MTTDsecondsintMean time to Detected metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and detected milestone timestamp
MTTAsecondsintMean time to Acknowledged metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and acknowledged milestone timestamp
MTTMsecondsintMean time to Mitigated metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and mitigated milestone timestamp
MTTRsecondsintMean time to Resolved metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp

Responder Summary

Who is spending their time in incidents? Key indicators, such as incident count and duration, give your business insight into who is jumping into incidents to help manage individual burnout and identify potential single points of failure in our people.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Responder Namen/astringName of the Responder (Users) in your organization; not currently limited to a Role
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date selected as query parameter
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date selected as query parameter
Number of IncidentsIncident countintCount of new incidents created for the service during the specified date range
Total Incident DurationsecondsintTotal duration of incident measured with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp; this will be blank if the Responder had not been assigned to any incidents created during the date range

Severity Summary

How do your operations vary based on Incident Severity? Key indicators, such as incident count and mean time metrics, give your business insight into your organization's incident response processes.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Namen/astringSeverity name as entered into Severities set up by the user
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimestart date selected as query parameter
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date selected as query parameter
Number of IncidentsIncident countintCount of new incidents created with the given Severity during the specified date range
Total Incident DurationsecondsintTotal duration of incident measured with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp; this will be blank if no incidents with specified severity were created during the date range
MTTDsecondsintMean time to Detected metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and detected milestone timestamp
MTTAsecondsintMean time to Acknowledged metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and acknowledged milestone timestamp
MTTMsecondsintMean time to Mitigated metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and mitigated milestone timestamp
MTTRsecondsintMean time to Resolved metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp

Incident Summary

What is your overall incident performance? Key indicators, such as incident count and mean time metrics, give your business insight into your organization’s health and can be a meaningful report for technical and product leads.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimestart date selected as query parameter
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date selected as query parameter
Number of Open IncidentsIncident countintCount of incidents that were in milestones detected through mitigated during the selected date range
Number of Resolved IncidentsIncident countintCount of incidents that moved into the resolved milestone status during the selected date range
MTTDsecondsintMean time to Detected metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and detected milestone timestamp
MTTAsecondsintMean time to Acknowledged metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and acknowledged milestone timestamp
MTTMsecondsintMean time to Mitigated metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and mitigated milestone timestamp
MTTRsecondsintMean time to Resolved metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp

Incident Resolution

Number of retrospectives started and completed in comparison with the total number of resolved incidents.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date of range to query for data
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date of range to query for data
Created IncidentsIncident countintCount of incidents started within the time window
Resolved IncidentsIncident countintCount of incidents resolved within the time window

Retrospective Completion

Incidents created vs. resolved within the time window

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date of range to query for data
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date of range to query for data
Resolved IncidentsIncident countintCount of incidents resolved within the time window
Retrospectives startedcountintCount of incidents a retrospective was started for
Retrospectives completedcountintCount of incidents a retrospective was completed for

Task Completion

Tasks created vs. completed in all incidents within the time window

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date of range to query for data
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date of range to query for data
Tasks createdcountintCount of tasks created across all incidents within the time window
Tasks completedcountintCount of tasks completed across all incidents within the time window

Follow-up Completion

Follow-up created vs. completed in all incidents within the time window

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date of range to query for data
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date of range to query for data
Follow ups createdcountintCount of follow-ups created across all incidents within the time window
Follow ups completedcountintCount of follow-ups completed across all incidents within the time window

Active Incidents by Team

Count of incidents that were active (not resolved) at any point within the time window.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date of range to query for data
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date of range to query for data
Team NamestringintName of the team
Active IncidentscountintCount of incidents that were in an unresolved stated at any point within the time window

Mean Time to Milestone for Active Incidents

The MTT* metrics for all incidents that were active within the specified time window.

Data Dictionary

Column NameMeasurement UnitValue TypeDescription
Start DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeStart date of range to query for data
End DateYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCdatetimeEnd date of range to query for data
MTTDsecondsintMean time to Detected metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and detected milestone timestamp
MTTAsecondsintMean time to Acknowledged metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and acknowledged milestone timestamp
MTTMsecondsintMean time to Mitigated metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and mitigated milestone timestamp
MTTRsecondsintMean time to Resolved metric for incidents created during the specified date range; calculated with incident start timestamp and resolved milestone timestamp